ProLife NZ is New Zealand’s student-based pro-life organisation

ProLife NZ is New Zealand’s largest student-driven pro-life organisation. Founded in 2009, we are a movement of young people committed to building a culture of life in New Zealand. We have groups based on university campuses throughout New Zealand and also run a number of other activities focused on building our movement and challenging the status quo on abortion in New Zealand.

We are a movement of young people committed to building a culture of life in New Zealand. We also run a number of other activities focused on building our movement and challenging the status quo on abortion in New Zealand.

What do we do?

Our campaigns focus on connecting with students on campus and have a strong online component so that people can learn more about the pro-life issues beyond the initial information available on campus.

Campus groups are at the centre of our movement in New Zealand. They meet on a regular basis, supporting pro-life students on campus to actively bring the pro-life message to their university.

Our national tours give kiwis the opportunity to hear from world experts on topical pro-life issues and an opportunity for us to connect the pro-life message with new groups.

Through our ProLife Connect programme we volunteer with like minded organisations, such as local pregnancy centres, that are making a positive contribution to the community.

Our website and social media channels support the work we are doing on campus, providing detailed information on life issues and keeping people and up-to-date with the latest pro-life developments.

Through our partnership with pro-life training organisations, we are able to give the pro-life training students need to make a difference on their university campus and beyond.

Why are we here?

Every day we hear stories of people dying from war, terrorism, revolution, hunger, disease and human rights abuses. Although the right to life is the most fundamental of all human rights, the sad reality is that for some, this is not evident in their daily lives.

It is important that we are kept informed of the issues in our world that threaten human life so that we can do our part to ensure that all people – no matter the colour of their skin, how old they are, where they live, where they pray, who they vote for or how much money they have – are able to enjoy the basic right to life. However, one issue we rarely hear about is abortion.

Abortion claims the lives of 44 million children every year. In our small country of 4.4 million, around 14,000 children die from abortion each year. That is an average of 38 kiwi kids every day, giving New Zealand a general abortion rate higher than comparable developed world countries such as Norway, Denmark, Finland and Germany.

Not only is abortion hurting our children, but it’s hurting our women too. The physical and psychological effects of abortion can be harmful and long-lasting and many women are unaware of this at the time they are faced with the decision of whether or not to end the life of their unborn child.

Together we must take a stand to protect the children and women of our country and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Locations of each of our chapters

Chapters have been established in each of the locations on NZ campuses. Note that some chapters are more currently active than others, with Canterbury and Auckland being the oldest and most continuously active chapters. If you are keen to join any of these chapters, go to our join page. Alternatively, you can directly message a given chapter on its respective Facebook pages (linked below). You can find ProLife NZ’s Facebook page is linked here.

Image attributions:
‘What we do?’ section: © Copyright 2022 ProLife NZ.
‘Club locations’ section (moving from top to the bottom and the left to right):
Image 1: “Courtyard of the Central Art Gallery in Christchurch, New Zealand” by Krzysztof Golik is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Image 2: “Clock Tower building, University of Auckland” by Colin Rose under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Image 3: “The Hunter Building at Victoria University of Wellington in 2014” by Ballofstring under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Image 4: “WF (School of Business) Building at Auckland University of Technology city campus in Auckland, New Zealand” by PlanningAUT under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Image 5: “University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, Clocktower Building” by Ulrich Lange under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Image 6: “Palmerston North Campus in 2017” by IcknieldRidgeway is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Image 7: “Massey University’s Albany Campus in 2005” by Nzv8fan is licensed under the Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Image 8: “The University of Waikato has three shallow lakes that were created by draining marshy paddocks” by Waikato Wordwizard under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported / cropped, white overlay, 50% opacity.
Images 9-10: © Copyright 2022 ProLife NZ.